10 Miraculous Ways Your Belly-Button / Neval / Nabhi Chikitsa Can Cure Daily Aillments

10 Miraculous Ways Your Belly-Button /  Neval / Nabhi Chikitsa Can Cure Daily Aillments

You've grown up believing that the only reason your body has a belly button in the first place, is because that was where your umbilical chord was attached. But did you know, that this magical spot on your body is a secret remedy to umpteen day-to-day problems that you complain about, without ever having a satisfactory solution for! If you're one of those who have already spent a bomb on various beauty products and OTC medicines to cure yourself of any of the following issues, you're in luck!
We have decoded a simple, yet effective solution for all your ailments. All in one magical place - your belly button!
1. Apply Neem Oil on your belly button - to get rid of stubborn pimples and acne
 Cold pressed Neem Oil

Those pesky pimples and acne marks that seem to have a special affinity for your beautiful face, completely eroding you off your self-confidence, can now bid you farewell for good. This simple trick will definitely reduce all blemishes, and visibly clarify your skin.
2. Apply Almond Oil on your belly button- to help achieve a glowing face
 Cold pressed Almond Oil

Revive a dull, tired face with this neat hack and say hello to a fresh, dewy skin that has it's own luminescence to boast of! Almond oil is not just a miracle-worker for your hair, it can do wonders for your skin, if applied in this fashion.
3. Apply Mustard Oil on your belly button - to get rid of dry, chapped lips
 Cold Pressed Mustord oil

Lips rougher than an abandoned door-mat are the bane of every girl's winter beauty game. Your lipstick does not stay put, your skin keeps peeling, and you feel like complete disaster; trying to moisten your lips. Work your way to nourished lips, by following this essential hack, and forget your chapped lips woes.
4. Apply olive oil or coconut oil - to improve your fertility
 Cold Pressed Olive Oil

Coconut oil has endlessly been pitched as a winner beauty essential in your paraphernalia, owing to its amazing properties which work wonders for your hair, as well as your skin. But the list does not end there, as it also helps in your fertility! Well, that one can definitely be explored.
5. Keep alcohol dipped cotton on your belly button - to cure cold, flu and a running nose
Especially for those who vehemently detest popping pills, for something as trivial as a cold or a flu, you've found your secret way to go au naturel. Research has proven that, placing a cotton swab dipped in alcohol on your belly button, can significantly help cure any signs of cold, flu or an irritating running nose!

6. Keep brandy soaked cotton ball on your belly button - to ease menstrual pain and cramps

That time of the month, when you absolutely hate being a woman, thanks to an angry uterus bleeding its way to what seems like Death, maybe! While some are able to handle it remarkably well; for some, no amount of painkillers, rest, or a clean diet/yoga is helpful. In that case, you will totally love this neat trick. When it's about easing those horrible period cramps, anything is worth a shot!
7. Apply pure, clarified butter (obtained from cow milk) on your belly button - to soften your skin
Those product endorsements which boast of skin as smooth as butter, with a feather gliding on it, seems too good to actually be true. How about trying some butter on your skin for real, for a change? We totally recommend trying this method of applying butter on your navel, to gradually pave your path to baby soft skin.

8. Apply Ginger oil on your belly button - to Sooth Joint Pains and Aches

 Ginger oil

A few drop of castor oil with ginger oil in the navel overnight helps lubricate the joints making you feel restored and creak free in the morning. Do this every other day.
9. Apply Neem oil and Coconut Oil Mixer on your belly button -Heal Spots and Eczema  
 Cold pressed Coconut Oil

Neem oil and coconut oil mixed together or separately work as a skin cleanser and toner. A few warm drops in the navel, soaked and massaged around the belly for 10 minutes helps get rid of spots and acts as a great emollient for the skin. Do this a few times a week and notice the difference. 
10. Apply lemon oil on your belly button - to get rid of face pigmentation
 Cold Pressed Neem Oil

Pigmentation is a beauty ailment plaguing millions of women out there, and even regular appointments with your dermat seem futile, after a point of time. Lemon juice has acidic properties, so it makes sense to try this fix to eliminate all signs of pigmentation from your skin.
1 belly button, 8 different oils - every beauty problem solved. Could this hack be any cooler?


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